Dixie Flyers baseball players got together to have a all star game. The class of 92,93,94 verses class of 95,96, 97 played each other in a fun field game. Oh by the way our class got killed but thats ok we will be ready for them next year. It brought back some good old memories when we watched the boys play.
We went to Vegas for Kistens Big "30" B-day! Justin gave her a big surprise with a pent house room at Mandalay Bay-The Hotel. It was pretty sweet. It was bigger than my apartment in KY. We had a great time going through the Body Exhibit and eating at the Rum Jungle, To bad we dont drink because that was quite the booz'n bar... anyways it was fun we had a blast thanx Justin...
Poor McKay got tackled and bitten by his buddy Canon. For all that know me I finally made a post by myself-hee hee. I plan to do a better job on my blog. Just have patience with me.